Wednesday, May 2, 2012

And now, picture time!!
Bringing this little guy along to take pictures at landmarks... forgot him today though. Here he is on our 14 hour flight....
Colleen's and my room... As Cahill wisely put it, these mattresses are like memory foam with no memory. Yikes!

This is an alleyway called 18... where there are some street food noms. Lots of raw meat and veggies to avoid, though!
As religious as I get... outside a cool Catholic church! (thanks french architecture!!)
Cool penguin trash can
Pho restaurant!
Outside the market! Cho means market.. I think.
Fabric inside!! Pretty

Chillin by a statue
Girls by the Saigon river!
Cahill and I are so stylish!
This is the outside of our guesthouse. 

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